race rogue... sponsors 2016...
Sponsorship Opportunities
Mission Statement: Our Mission for race rogue… is to give an experience to our athletes/competitors that they have never seen before. Through their experience, we will encourage and promote a love for the outdoors, having fun, and a healthy lifestyle. We thank you for your consideration in sponsoring this exciting and adventurous new race experience here in the Lehigh Valley!
Race Course Sponsor: $2500
Ridge Sponsor: $500
Horizon Sponsor: Up to $250
Description of the race:
Ready to prepare for the unknown - endure the unknown - conquer the unknown? race rogue… is a rugged, gritty run race series designed to challenge racers mentally and physically. Athletes will have no knowledge of the race course location, elevation gains, or distance until race day. This race experience promises to test your limits in beautiful, scenic locales sure to nourish the soul while testing the body's physical limits. It will keep runners guessing at every corner, grunting at every climb, screaming at every descent, and wishing at every turn that the finish line will be in sight. ARE YOU READY TO GO ROGUE?!
www.K17SPORT.com – click on race rogue…
Race Directors:
Kenrick Smith – Head Race Director
Jodi Smith – Assistant Race Director
Adam Gangewere – Assistant Race Director
Contact Information:
Phone: 484-560-1751
Email address: [email protected]
Race Course Sponsor: $2500
- Business advertisement literature card (provided by sponsor) will be placed in all athlete reconnection bags
- Premium logo spot, the biggest size, on our webpage with direct link to sponsor’s website
- Recognition throughout all of our social media
- Premium location and biggest size on the finisher banner which will be displayed at the finisher’s chute and during post-race festivities
- Recognition at beginning of event during the announcements of the race and again be recognized and announced during post-race festivities
- Recognition on each table at post festivities in a placemat type form.
- Highlight video will open with sponsors logo
- 2 free race entry’s will be given for sponsor representatives to use
- Sponsor will have the option to pick one of the following awards to sponsor. One sponsor per award category:
- Top Overall Awards Sponsors – Sponsor will be recognized before each award category by gender. Overall Awards will be presented to Top 3 Men and Top 3 Women. This award is a cash prize and sponsor’s name will be represented on oversized check given to overall winner
- Age Group Award Sponsor – Sponsor will be recognized before each age group award presentation. Age Group Awards will be awarded to a total of 6 groups (3 age groups in both male and female)
- Finisher Award Sponsor – Each athlete that crosses the finish line will be handed a unique commemorative award
- Summit tier logo spot on our webpage with direct link to sponsor’s website
- Recognition throughout all of our social media outlets
- Summit tier location and size on the finisher’s banner which will be displayed at the finisher’s chute and during post-race festivities
- Recognition at the awards ceremony announcements
- Recognition on each table at post festivities in placemat literature
- Sponsor logo will be first logo shown at end of highlight video of race
- 1 free race entry will be given for sponsor representatives to use
Ridge Sponsor: $500
- Ridge tier logo spot on our webpage with direct link to sponsor’s website
- Recognition throughout all of our social media outlets
- Ridge tier location and size on finisher’s banner which will be displayed at the finisher’s chute and during post-race festivities
- Recognition will be announced at the awards ceremony
- Recognition on each table at post race festivities in placemat literature
- Sponsor to receive recognition at end of the highlight video created post race
Horizon Sponsor: Up to $250
- Horizon tier logo spot on our webpage with direct link to sponsor’s website
- Recognition throughout all of our social media outlets
- Recognition will be announced at the awards ceremony
- Recognition on each table at post race festivities in placemat literature
- Sponsor to receive recognition at end of highlight video created post race
Description of the race:
Ready to prepare for the unknown - endure the unknown - conquer the unknown? race rogue… is a rugged, gritty run race series designed to challenge racers mentally and physically. Athletes will have no knowledge of the race course location, elevation gains, or distance until race day. This race experience promises to test your limits in beautiful, scenic locales sure to nourish the soul while testing the body's physical limits. It will keep runners guessing at every corner, grunting at every climb, screaming at every descent, and wishing at every turn that the finish line will be in sight. ARE YOU READY TO GO ROGUE?!
www.K17SPORT.com – click on race rogue…
Race Directors:
Kenrick Smith – Head Race Director
Jodi Smith – Assistant Race Director
Adam Gangewere – Assistant Race Director
Contact Information:
Phone: 484-560-1751
Email address: [email protected]